I began the filigree work, using the pattern shown above. At first, I partially soldered each section, as it was completed, but, then, put it down to lack of interest or,dare I say it,
laziness, I started getting overconfident. As a consequence, (not unexpected) a slip of my hand caused all of the wires to pop out! Of course, this caused me to throw my hands in the air in frustration and down tools for a period so I could lie in bed, with the covers over my head, in a state of depression!
Well, not really! But I did stop and rethink! I decided that I needed to add more large wires, creating smaller sections of filigree.

Played around a bit. Above was my first idea, which followed on from the filigree pattern I was creating. Eventually settled on the pattern below, as it was more interesting!

As this pattern stands, this in itself would make an interesting piece. But on with the filigree!
P.S Please forgive the first picture. It was taken with my cell phone, very badly!